1887: Raining Cats and Soap Bubbles at the Grand Street Museum in Williamsburg, Brooklyn » SoapBubblePlaybill

The "Soap Bubble," a musical farce about the manufacturing and advertising of soaps and speculation in soap stocks, was written by T.J. Farron, who also played Chops, the barber, in the play. Farron, a comedian from Buffalo, got his start as a blackface minstrel with P.F. Baker. The two men were known for dressing up as black women and going in drag.

The “Soap Bubble,” a musical farce about the manufacturing and advertising of soaps and speculation in soap stocks, was written by T.J. Farron, who also played Chops, the barber, in the play. Farron, a comedian from Buffalo, got his start as a blackface minstrel with P.F. Baker. The two men were known for dressing up as black women and going in drag.

The “Soap Bubble,” a musical farce about the manufacturing and advertising of soaps and speculation in soap stocks, was written by T.J. Farron, who also played Chops, the barber, in the play. Farron, a comedian from Buffalo, got his start as a blackface minstrel with P.F. Baker. The two men were known for dressing up as black women and going in drag.