Archive for December, 2018

Happy Holidays everyone! I just received some great mews from my publisher, Rutgers University Press. My new book, The Cat Men of Gotham: Tales of Feline Friendships in Old New York, is now available for pre-ordering. The book is not scheduled for release until May, but if you order early, you’ll save $6 on the […]

Although the first National Cat Show at Madison Square Garden II in May 1895 is often cited as the first cat show in America, there were actually quite a few cat shows in New York City and other American cities before this “official cat show” took place at the Garden. During the late 1800s, New York […]

“For almost a generation there was no more secluded or more beautiful section than the vicinity of “Fox Corners.”—New York Daily Tribune, February 28, 1909 In my last post, I wrote about Swain’s performing rats and cats, which once appeared at the old Loew’s Boulevard Theatre near Fox’s Corners on Southern Boulevard in the Bronx. […]