1914 and 1930: The New York City Cats and Goats That Butchered the Butcher Shop on James Street » Oak Street Police Station 1927

The sound of the explosion was heard at the 4th Precinct police station at 9 Oak Street, pictured here (middle) in 1927. The police station was two blocks from the butcher shop.

The sound of the explosion was heard at the 4th Precinct police station at 9 Oak Street, pictured here (middle) in 1927. The police station was two blocks from the butcher shop. New York Public Library Digital Collections

The sound of the explosion was heard at the 4th Precinct police station at 9 Oak Street, pictured here (middle) in 1927. The police station was two blocks from the butcher shop.

  1. Louis Trazino says:

    Great stories from my neighborhood
    Always heard about the Oak St. Station.

    • Marian says:

      In what section of Brooklyn was the Oak Street Station? My 2x’s great grandmother was a police matron stationed there in 1892.

      • The Hatching Cat says:

        Marian, the Oak Street Station was in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, in the Twin Bridges Neighborhood. In March 1934, the newly-formed New York City Housing Authority kicked off its citywide slum clearance campaign. Buildings on Cherry, Madison, Roosevelt, Oak, and other old streets in the Two Bridges neighborhood were razed over the years to make way for large public housing developments like Knickerbocker Village and the Governor Albert E. Smith Houses.

  2. Maria Rosaria Damiano says:

    My family lived at 10 oak street and my grandma was born there in 1904. They were immigrants and came back to Italy a couple years later. You cannot imagine how moved I am to see this oak street pic. They lived on the opposite side of the road if the street numbering is similar to the Italian one,

    • The Hatching Cat says:

      I am so happy that you found this photo and that it was so special for you! Yes, in NYC, odd-numbered houses are all on one side of the street and the even numbers are on the other side, so you family would have lived across from the police station.

    • Steven Del Corvo says:

      My Grandfather, Salvatore Del Corvo had a Bakery/Grocery Store at 24 Oak St.