1908: Tommie Blackberry, the MacDougal Street Nursery Cat With Ties to a Famous Anti-Suffragist » 20MacdougalStreet1926
The Jewell Day Nursery was in the three-story building to the right of the Eighth Precinct station house, which is the large building with the American flags. Also pictured is the home of the Second Assembly District Republican Club (#30) and then the former Richmond Hill settlement house, named after the Richmond Hill mansion, which stood in the middle of Charlton Street, between Macdougal and Varick. NYPL Digital Collections
The Jewell Day Nursery was in the three-story building to the right of the Eighth Precinct station house, which is the large building with the American flags. Also pictured is the home of the Second Assembly District Republican Club (#30) and then the former Richmond Hill settlement house, named after the Richmond Hill mansion, which stood in the middle of Charlton Street, between Macdougal and Varick. NYPL Digital Collections