1899: Dewey, Stockings, and the Great Cat Hunt at New York City’s Bellevue Hospital » Bellevue_1875

Here's a photograph of Bellevue Hospital from 1875, It would be another 70 years before thousands of tons of landfill were used to create the East River Driver (later, the FDR), which is why all the buildings are so close to the water's edge. NYPL Digital Collections

Here’s a photograph of Bellevue Hospital from 1875, It would be another 70 years before thousands of tons of landfill were used to create the East River Driver (later, the FDR), which is why all the buildings are so close to the water’s edge. NYPL Digital Collections

Here’s a photograph of Bellevue Hospital from 1875, It would be another 70 years before thousands of tons of landfill were used to create the East River Driver (later, the FDR), which is why all the buildings are so close to the water’s edge. NYPL Digital Collections