The Seafaring Cats of Gotham
Join me on Tuesday, June 30, at noon, as I take you back in time to explore New York’s maritime history while sharing some amazing stories of famous (and not-so-famous) seafaring cats of Old New York. These are all some of my favorite nautical tales from my Hatching Cat website and my book, The Cat Men of Gotham, with lots of historical content and great pictures.
We’ll explore the history of the Chelsea Piers, Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York Docks, and Red Hook while meeting some memorable nautical felines and the sailors, dock workers, and ship captains who came to their rescue–and came to love them.
Hear about:
The Pirate Cats of Chelsea Piers Who Celebrated Christmas on the RMS Olympic
The Mascot Cats of the Seaman’s Church Institute of New York
The Little Black Kitten Presented to Captain Arthur Rostron, the Hero of the RMS Carpathia
The Viking Cat Who Was Rescued by Lifeboat en Route to Brooklyn
The Navy Cat Who Survived the Explosion on the USS Maine
The Brave and Brawny Cats of the Brooklyn Navy Yard — and more
Fun for cat lovers and New York maritime history fans alike!

Tuesday, June 30, 12-1 p.m. (ET)
Virtual Zoom presentation
Hosted by Untapped New York
To REGISTER for the Seafaring Cats of Gotham, click on this link and use the code STAYHOME for a free 2-month membership: https://untappedcities.com/…/the-seafaring-cats-of-gotham-…/
Book Offer: To all attendees: During the month of June, you can get “The Cat Men of Gotham: Tales of Feline Friendships in Old New York” for 50% off using the code RUPFIFTY at the following link: https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/the-cat-men-of-gotham/9781978800229