Zoom Presentation
This Monday night, I will be sharing some stories and photos from my new book, The Bravest Pets of Gotham: Tales of Four-Legged Firefighters of Old New York. The 35-minute presentation will be virtual on Zoom and free of charge.
When: Monday, November 25, 8 p.m. EST
Where: Virtual, Zoom
Meeting ID 406 496 5913
Password AqW2Rw

Like my website and my first book in the Gotham series, The Cat Men of Gotham, The Bravest Pets of Gotham focuses on the late 1800s and early 1900s. During this era, the New York Fire Department (FDNY) permitted firemen to keep one dog, one cat, or singing birds in their firehouse.
Because the firemen were required to live and work at the firehouse full time, these animal mascots—along with the fire horses that pulled the fire apparatus—were their constant companions, making a dangerous workplace feel more like home. In my presentation, I’ll share my favorite stories of fire horses, dogs, cats, and even a monkey!
The Bravest Pets of Gotham: Tales of Four-Legged Firefighters of Old New York takes readers on a fun historical tour of firefighting in Old New York, with more than 100 touching and comical stories about the bond between FDNY firefighters and their four-legged firefighter friends and co-workers. The book is also chock-full of history, so whether you love animals, New York history, or firefighting, The Bravest Pets of Gotham will amaze you and make you laugh (and yes, cause you to get teary-eyed a bit).
To Join the Presentation:
Click here to sign up on my Facebook Page
Click Here for Zoom on November 25, 8 p.m. EST
Meeting ID 406 496 5913
Password AqW2Rw

I will be donating a percentage of my proceeds from private sales of the book to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Signed books can be ordered by contacting me at hatchingcat@gmail.com

Engine 205. My cousins firehouse.