Archive for the ‘Cat Mascots’ Category

“This is a tale of a cat. Of a cat with a tail fourteen inches long. It is a true tale. It is vouched for by a fireman, a policeman and the appearance of the cat. A woman, a basket, a hole in a ceiling, a doctor and some medicine also figure into the tale.”—The New York World, January 5, 1894

Tootsy was the beloved feline firefighter of Engine Company 27 on Franklin Street in Lower Manhattan. Born on the Fourth of July in 1895, Tootsy reportedly loved the smell of smoke as much as she treasured a fresh-caught mouse.

On January 8, 1933, Betty, chief mouser of the Lackawanna Terminal at Hoboken, NJ, hitched a train ride on the famous Lackawanna Limited to Dover, N.J. It was her first train trip since joining the crew at Hoboken four or five years earlier.

In Old New York, canine mascots were forbidden in all the social clubs. Cats were not. Thus, clubs like The Lambs Club, the Lotus Club, and the New York Yacht Club had one or more feline mascots.
The following tale is about three of the many cat mascots of the New York Yacht Club.

Don’t mess with Isaac the bank cat. And don’t even think about coming in and stealing his territory–or the cash, for that matter. That was the message a “gaunt hobo cat” received when he sauntered into the Louis Scharlach & Co. bank at 362 Grand Street on the Lower East Side on November 14, 1900. […]