Archive for the ‘Cat Men’ Category

In Old New York, canine mascots were forbidden in all the social clubs. Cats were not. Thus, clubs like The Lambs Club, the Lotus Club, and the New York Yacht Club had one or more feline mascots.
The following tale is about three of the many cat mascots of the New York Yacht Club.

Before the Brooklyn Bridge was built, there were tenements where the approaches are now. And in those tenement buildings–according to the Brooklyn Bridge watchman–were cats. Lots of cats. One special cat with superior skills became a Brooklyn Bridge watch cat.

Seafaring Cats of Gotham Virtual Presentation (via Untapped New York): Travel back in time to explore amazing stories of famous and memorable ship cats and naval cats of Old New York; June 30, 2020, 12-1 p.m. (ET). Registration required.

Join me this Wednesday, June 3, at 5 p.m., for a virtual trip back in time to explore the city’s history via amazing stories about fire cats, police cats, theatrical cats, and other fabulous felines that made the news headlines in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

In February 1908, Lieutenant John J. Lussier retired from the New York Police Department. He and his family left their home in Brooklyn, and moved to Utica, New York. According to The Sun, the lieutenant took everything with him except his favorite police cat, Commissioner. What a surprise when the cat showed up in Utica 2 months later!