On Saturday, May 7, I will be leading a virtual presentation for the Municipal Art Society of New York called “The Dog Days of Gotham.” The presentation will be one of hundreds of virtual and guided tours that will take place the weekend of May 6-8 as part of Jane’s Walk NYC. Registration for this free event is required.
Archive for the ‘Dog Tails’ Category
Dog Days of Gotham: Free Virtual Talk With Jane’s Walk NYC
Posted: 20th April 2022 by The Hatching Cat in Dog Tails, Virtual EventsTags: Dogs of Old New York, Free Virtual Event, Jane's Walk NYC, Municipal Art Society, NYC History
1886: Sergeant Nick, The Newfoundland of the East New York Police Department
Posted: 29th January 2022 by The Hatching Cat in Dog Mascots, Dog TailsVisitors to the old East New York Police Station never failed to notice the large Newfoundland dog sitting about as if he owned the place. The old dog, described as long and shaggy and turning gray around the face, was a favorite among all the policemen as well as “citizens in general and reporters in particular.”
With “sterling qualities, his intelligence and his friendly feeling toward the law abiding portion of the human race,” Nick had truly earned his sergeant’s stripes.