This story is about three French bulldogs, the first cricket club in New York City, an old farm, and a grand hotel called Gilsey House. It stars a pseudo-princess named Aimée Isabella Crocker Ashe Gillig Gouraud Miskinoff Galitzine. If I had the ability, I’d turn this Old New York tale into a movie. Part I: Aimée […]
Archive for the ‘Dog Tails’ Category
1889: The Princess and the Pampered French Bulldogs Who Lived at the Gilsey House in New York City, Part I
Posted: 8th January 2017 by The Hatching Cat in Dog TailsTags: 1200 Broadway, Aimee Crocker, Casper Samler, Gilsey House, Henry Gillig, New York City History, Old New York, Porter Ashe, Samler Farm
1900: Major Van Buren Stephens, the Hero Dog of New York’s Chelsea
Posted: 20th October 2016 by The Hatching Cat in Dog Heroes, Dog Tails, Hartsdale Pet CemeteryTags: Chelsea Gardens, Clement C. Moore, Hartsdale Pet Cemetery, John T. Stephens, London Terrace, Myra Van Buren Stephens, New York History
In July 1900, Mrs. John T. Stephens lost the canine love of her life. Having lost her young son just two years before, the death of her dog Major was more than she could bear.