Posts Tagged ‘Brooklyn Fire Department’

Two days after the new Hook and Ladder Company No. 10 of the Brooklyn Fire Department went into service, a new member was added to the roster: a small cat “who wore a fur coat which in color resembled a tortoise shell.”

In 1936, Nip*, the veteran fire dog of Brooklyn’s Engine Company No. 203, won four medals of honor for heroism from the following agencies: New York Women’s League for Animals Dog’s World International American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals New York Anti-Vivisection Society During his years of service with the engine company, Nip had demonstrated many acts of bravery […]

“Once more, the picturesque is to yield to the utilitarian. That thrilling sight – three plunging horses drawing engine or hook and ladder – one of the few thrilling sights to be seen in our prosaic streets, is soon to become a thing of the past. Within the next five or six years, there will not be a fire horse in Greater New York. The gasoline motor will do the work of these old favorites.”– New York Times, February 19, 1911