Posts Tagged ‘Cats About Town’

If you would like to help honor a true hero cat of old Brooklyn, please take a minute to sign our petition for Jerry Fox.

If you follow my blog, than you are no doubt a cat lover and probably also someone who is interested in New York City history (at least a tiny bit). That is why I am thrilled to let you know about my latest venture: Cats About Town historical walking tours of Brooklyn and Manhattan!

In my last post, I wrote about the famous pastor and orator of Plymouth Church who adopted a little boy’s cat from Indiana and named her Hoosier Cat. I also posted the words of an essay that he penned on cats in the Christian Union in 1870.

I just found another cat essay by Mr. Beecher from 1869 that I simply must share. I believe this essay is even better than the one he wrote in 1870.