The Winter Garden Theatre was home to the original Broadway production of Cats from 1982 until the production closed in 2000. But about 50 years before the creepy human cats appeared on stage, the theater was famous for its real cats. Cat mascots, that is.
Posts Tagged ‘Cats of Old New York’
1928: Minnie and Miss Frothingham, the Real Cats of the Winter Garden Theatre
Posted: 24th June 2021 by The Hatching Cat in Cat Mascots, Cat StoriesTags: American Horse Exchange, cats in history, Cats of Old New York, Longacre Square, New York City History, Winter Garden Theatre
1896: Thomas Wood, The Washington Street Factory Cat With Ten Lives
Posted: 8th June 2021 by The Hatching Cat in Cat Mascots, Cat Stories, Cats in the MewsTags: American Wood Decorating Machine Company, Benjamin Haskell, Cats in New York History, Cats of Old New York, Tribeca History, Washington Street Urban Renewal
Thomas Wood was one of the many feline tenants of 290 Washington Street, a large, six-story brick factory building on the northwest corner of Washington and Chamber streets. Originally the pet cat of a dye maker at the factory, he made his home on the third floor, which was occupied by the American Wood Decorating Machine Company.
Tails and Tales: “Cat Men of Gotham” Zoom Presentation
Posted: 3rd June 2021 by The Hatching Cat in Cat Men, Cat Stories, Virtual EventsTags: Cat Men of Gotham, Cat Stories, Cats of Old New York, Free Zoom Presentation, Scotch Plains Library, Virtual Presentation
Join me on Wednesday, June 9, at 7 p.m. (ET), for a virtual trip back in time to explore New York City’s history via amazing stories about theatrical cats, flying feline mascots, famous hotel cats, and other fabulous felines that made the news headlines in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
1899: Harry Cat, the Lazy, Husky Hero of Remsen Street in Brooklyn Heights
Posted: 22nd May 2021 by The Hatching Cat in Cat Stories, Cats in the MewsTags: 8 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn History, Cats of Old New York, Grace Court, John Hill Prentice, William S. Packer
Harry Cat was a large and lazy solid white cat. He lived with a woman named Mrs. Lester and his twin feline brothers, Tom and Dick, in a wood frame boarding house at 8 Remsen Street. On December 10, 1899, he saved the 65-year-old house from burning down.
Upcoming Virtual Events: Jane’s Cat Walk and More
Posted: 3rd May 2021 by The Hatching Cat in Cat Stories, Virtual EventsTags: Cat Stories, Cats of Old New York, Free Virtual Events, Jane's Cat Walk, Municipal Art Society of New York
Jane’s Cat WalkSunday, May 9, 202110 AM (EST) From bodegas and bookstores to libraries, plays, hotels—and even city transit—cats have left a big impurression on New York City history. On Sunday, May 9, I will be sharing a few of my favorite Cat Men of Gotham stories during Jane’s Cat Walk, a virtual event sponsored by the […]