Posts Tagged ‘Hartsdale Pet Cemetery’

It was a cold November night in 1920 when good luck brought the orphan kitten to the Opera Café at 561 Seventh Avenue (near 40th Street). John “Jack” Bleeck, who had just taken over the place after working as a bartender there for nine years, saw the kitten outside and invited her in.

One of the most popular owners and breeders of championship Irish Setters in the history of show dogs was Mrs. Gertrude Cheever Porter of New York City. Over the years, she owned eight champion Irish Setters and numerous other show dogs. Her pride and joy was Ch. Milson O’Boy, whose career in the 1930s included […]

“Rex Moore died at his post. July 30, 1919, age 7. Always a most faithful and loyal friend to his master.” – Headstone for Rex Moore, Hartsdale Pet Cemetery Ever since the apartment boom of the late 1800s, New York City architects and builders have been assigning names to apartment buildings. According to Elizabeth Hawes, […]

I often visit the the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery in Westchester County, New York. That is where my mother I came across the story of Sydney De Voe. You may recall one of my earlier posts about Princess Lwoff-Parlaghy and her pet lion, Goldfleck, who was buried at the Hartsdale Pet Cemetery after living a very […]

I think it was Sport Hopper, the nine-month-old fox terrier of the Hopper household on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, whose much-publicized burial paved the way for the first pet cemetery in the United States.