On a late summer day in 1909, during the dog days of August, to be exact, a reporter for the New York Sun noted that there were almost as many cats on Morton Street as there were politicians. I’m not sure if he meant “as there were politicians on Morton Street” or if he meant […]
Posts Tagged ‘New York City History’
1897: Jack, the Heroic Newfoundland Dog of the Ellis Island Fire
Posted: 16th March 2019 by The Hatching Cat in Dog Heroes, Dog TailsTags: Castle Garden, Dr. Joseph J. Senner, Ellis Island, Immigration Act, New York City History, Samuel Ellis
On the morning of June 15, 1897, a large fire destroyed the immigrant landing station that covered most of Ellis Island, causing a property loss of close to $1 million for the United States Government. Every immigrant escaped unharmed, thanks to the watchmen, attendants, doctors, and nurses who came to their rescue. All of the […]