The following story is dedicated to the six firefighters of Squad 252 in Bushwick, Brooklyn, who lost their lives at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. I’ve never known a cat to be very fond of fires and fire trucks – albeit, my cat Boo does love to climb ladders and bake in […]
Posts Tagged ‘New York History’
1883: Funny, Awkward, and Beastly Portraits of the Gilded Age
Posted: 28th February 2014 by The Hatching Cat in Animal AttractionsTags: Gilded Age, Jose Maria Mora, Mrs. Vanderbilt, Napoleon Sarony, New York History, Old New York
During the Gilded Age of New York City, when cabinet card photographs were in vogue, it was not unusual to find some very awkward portraits in the Victorian parlor.