Posts Tagged ‘New York History’

In Part II of this Old New York dog tale, we’ll explore the old Casper Samler Farm and re-visit the three bulldogs in their home at the Gilsey House.

Part I of this Old New York cat tale begins in 1825 at the old Hermitage Farm on the west side of Manhattan, where a large horse car depot was built in 1864.

In February 1966, the demolition of several old buildings on York Avenue between East 71st Street and East 72nd Street revealed a very tiny frame house where a dog once inspired author Margaret Wise Brown.

Trent, the tabby cat made famous by an unsuccessful flight across the Atlantic in the airship America, wowed the crowds at Gimbels in New York City.

In July 1900, Mrs. John T. Stephens lost the canine love of her life. Having lost her young son just two years before, the death of her dog Major was more than she could bear.