Archive for the ‘Cat Stories’ Category

“Midnight prowlers and back-fence howlers enjoyed a lacteal orgy yesterday morning at the expense of William Evans, 250 Herkimer Street, whose milk wagon was struck by a Bergen Street trolley car.” New York Sun, June 30, 1907

The night before the police had to break down the door to his room at 139 Forsysth Street and shoo about two dozen cats off his bed, 63-year-old Adolph F. Armreid said to his landlord, “I think I am going to die tonight.” A few hours after the police chased the cats away, the neighbors […]

Jane McAdam’s two dogs and nine cats depended on her to feed them and provide water every day. That’s why she was determined to ensure their care when she was sentenced to prison for six months in February 1879.

Much has been written about New York City’s Ansonia Hotel and its rooftop farm, but I bet very few people know that a cat named Thomas once lived on the 16th floor and spent a few weeks spooking the hotel’s residents.

The Home for Friendless Domestic Animals In 1891, Broadway actress Julia Marlowe boarded her cat Princeton at the new “Home for Friendless Domestic Animals” in Washington Heights. Julia reportedly paid 50 cents a week for Princeton to stay at the home while she was out of town touring with various theater groups throughout the country. […]